Almost all of the Sales Professionals I know continually seek to improve their skills and knowledge.
In the early days it was audio tapes and videos by Tom Hopkins, Zig Zigler, and others – anyone remember J. Douglas Edwards, Joe Girard? Many of us also began building a personal library of books – Books on Selling, Negotiation, Business, Leadership, Communication and Management.
I continue to buy and read several new Sales and Management books a year, some e-book, some hardcopy. The latest book I acquired, which was recommended to me by an associate (and which I have not read as of yet) is “FANATICAL PROSPECTING” by Jeb Blount.
When I saw this photo recently (not my house, by the way), I thought about how books have assisted many of us in moving up the “sales professional career ladder”, and was reminded of the first sales management book that I purchased that I not only read, but took to heart and found it to be extremely helpful to me to survive and succeed in managing a sales team in the competitive landscape known as COPIER SALES at the time. This FIRST BOOK was “The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard.
Do You Remember the FIRST BOOK you read that had a positive impact on your Sales or Sales Management Career?
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