NOW WHAT? Does Your Company Have a Strategic Plan For FOLLOW-UP on the Leads Brought back from Healthcare Focused Conferences & Trade Shows?

Dear CEO, CFO, and VP of Sales,

In my previous post, I offered 3 Tips for your Sales Execs to follow in preparing for the IDN Spring Summit and Reverse Expo. Hopefully, many conversations took place, business cards and e-contacts were exchanged, and your team returned having represented your company well!

Meetings such as the IDN Summit play a valuable role in putting your sales executives in touch with decision-makers/influencers– but only if there is a strategic plan in place to enable these encounters to be more than just a social get together.

COORDINATED FOLLOW-UP IS KEY, based on a comprehensive plan, already put into place, that prioritizes lead responses according to pre-determined criteria, provides oversight of lead follow-up, sales activities, and attributes resultant sales to the conference / meeting from where the lead came from.

If your company or organization is striving to increase sales to hospitals, health systems, and other healthcare providers, including non-acute facilities – but is unsure about which industry meetings and events to attend, or unclear as to what are the best strategies to maximize ROI – our company can help. Please contact me at to learn more.